Wednesday, July 6, 2011

da picca!!

cuties fatihah n safiya

colourful pncil case

mine hv my name sew on the back

bju kurung baru!!

dis is mine!

flowery n ribbon brooch

love the vibrant colour!!

hana t look alike satin shawl

matching ngn baju bru,yeay!

im waiting for this bag!!!expected to arrive next week!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

what hv i done so far????

pejam celik pejam celik cuti da smpi ke penghujungnye,lps ne xbole da tgok cter marimar,indon,maen bdminton ngn adek2 tnpe risaukn stdy,baking,menjaht,..sbb aq skrng da nk masuk 2nd yer of my stdy to become a doctor,bile mkcik2 tnye ne kos ape ea?sy amek medic,,oo lame lg la ye nk abes..yes mokcik2 pokcik2 sekalian memg lame lg tp apekn daye dis is my choise!!kne bljr btol2 tok 2nd yer ne revision tyme 1st yer pon kne start da klu x xtaula cmne nk ngadap exam PRO yg comprise 1,2nd yer mtrial.kire sume microbe2 yg brlambak tyme 1st yer kne bkk balek la.perlu ade perancangan nadia!!!k la nk summarise kn ape yg aq da bt sepanjang cuti2 ne:

1)teman cousin coz mak dyorng g umrah
2)strt amek lesen kete alhamdulillah da dpt L tp dsbbkn cuti da pndek so tergendala jp
3)memasak:antra try bt tart telur,agar2 koktel n coming soon coc muffin(xbole slalu bt t keje aq mkn je)
4)jahit sndri satin shawl.tgok hana tajima pki awsome je so aq try la bt satu mhl beli on9 n aq rse aq bole bt sndri.come wif 2 colour majestic gold n shimmering silver(name xble blah).
5)bt brooch dr kaen ala cm kt kedai skrng ne,tgok tutorial kt youtube aje ade yg cumel2 smpi adek2 aq nk jual k kawan2 sek.hehe sowy ne limited editn only tau!
6)hasrat nk belaja mnjahit bju kurng ngn nenek xjadi sebb nenek da pro sngt smpi aq xbole nk blaja!!bak kate nenek,,"nenek ne koyak2 je kaen ne da syap jdi baju" so cmne aq nk blja????
7)n last sekali aq telah mmblnjekn duet2 d bank tok on9 shopping!!!smpena nk masuk sem baru ne kne la smngt baru n brng2 baru bkn mmbzir tp for the sake of future la.myb in the future xde mase nk kuar shopping da sebok aje so prepare la dri awl kn???

*nex post letak gmba2 plak.adios!