Wednesday, July 6, 2011

da picca!!

cuties fatihah n safiya

colourful pncil case

mine hv my name sew on the back

bju kurung baru!!

dis is mine!

flowery n ribbon brooch

love the vibrant colour!!

hana t look alike satin shawl

matching ngn baju bru,yeay!

im waiting for this bag!!!expected to arrive next week!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

what hv i done so far????

pejam celik pejam celik cuti da smpi ke penghujungnye,lps ne xbole da tgok cter marimar,indon,maen bdminton ngn adek2 tnpe risaukn stdy,baking,menjaht,..sbb aq skrng da nk masuk 2nd yer of my stdy to become a doctor,bile mkcik2 tnye ne kos ape ea?sy amek medic,,oo lame lg la ye nk abes..yes mokcik2 pokcik2 sekalian memg lame lg tp apekn daye dis is my choise!!kne bljr btol2 tok 2nd yer ne revision tyme 1st yer pon kne start da klu x xtaula cmne nk ngadap exam PRO yg comprise 1,2nd yer mtrial.kire sume microbe2 yg brlambak tyme 1st yer kne bkk balek la.perlu ade perancangan nadia!!!k la nk summarise kn ape yg aq da bt sepanjang cuti2 ne:

1)teman cousin coz mak dyorng g umrah
2)strt amek lesen kete alhamdulillah da dpt L tp dsbbkn cuti da pndek so tergendala jp
3)memasak:antra try bt tart telur,agar2 koktel n coming soon coc muffin(xbole slalu bt t keje aq mkn je)
4)jahit sndri satin shawl.tgok hana tajima pki awsome je so aq try la bt satu mhl beli on9 n aq rse aq bole bt sndri.come wif 2 colour majestic gold n shimmering silver(name xble blah).
5)bt brooch dr kaen ala cm kt kedai skrng ne,tgok tutorial kt youtube aje ade yg cumel2 smpi adek2 aq nk jual k kawan2 sek.hehe sowy ne limited editn only tau!
6)hasrat nk belaja mnjahit bju kurng ngn nenek xjadi sebb nenek da pro sngt smpi aq xbole nk blaja!!bak kate nenek,,"nenek ne koyak2 je kaen ne da syap jdi baju" so cmne aq nk blja????
7)n last sekali aq telah mmblnjekn duet2 d bank tok on9 shopping!!!smpena nk masuk sem baru ne kne la smngt baru n brng2 baru bkn mmbzir tp for the sake of future la.myb in the future xde mase nk kuar shopping da sebok aje so prepare la dri awl kn???

*nex post letak gmba2 plak.adios!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

first try!

Alhamdulillah seghonoknye dpt mkn bnde yg kte suke mkn n yg pentingnye kte bt sendiri!nikmat tu hanye ALLAH je tau.arigato kpd mamaku krn menjdi supervisor n juri yg tetap dlm pembikinan masterpiece aq ne n xjuge kpd abah selaku pengkritik tetap n adek2 sbg taste-ter.bile adek2 kate sedap mule rase riak timbul ttp tetap bersyukur kpd ALLAH krn dipermudahkn urusanku.
tidak sabar adek2ku menuggu 

dlm proses membakar

jeng3 egg tart cikram!!!

ade sape mau order??

agar2 koktel,da separuh  habis bru nk tgkp gmbar

Sunday, June 12, 2011


dis is 3rd week of my holidays,fes week at my aunt's house taking care her children coz she went to mecca,2nd week at home spending 2nd week of skool hldays wif my adek2 n driving class,now finally 3rd week to plan for myslf,n BAKING is my passion now!!seronk btol tgok roti n kek ble kt kdi bakeri esp cupcake,donut,n tart telur!!i looooovvee eggt tart,even my best fren like egg tart,portugis pnye,klu portgis egg tart pastri d lbih sedap dpd yg byase,so now jgn pndi mkn je.u blaja la!!
ne tart telur byase,so xbrape umph!

dis one i loike bery much!

bluberry pie,in the making soon!

saje je bt org terliur tgok donut dy!!

klu bole bt cupcake mcm ne syng kot nk mkn.hehe


takziah kpd family sir wan zul azmi atas pemergian arwah pd 9/6 yg lepas.Truly we hd lost the most cheerful teacher in semesti.Thanks for all ur motivation during my time in semesti an as your librrian.ur beautiful gojes decor during festive season,ur cakes n kacang,ur laugh n teasing..never thought u would left us in this short period of life but still ALLAH knows the best.semoge arwah ditempatkn dikalangn para solihin.amin~

Sunday, May 22, 2011

camping @kem lembah genting,ulu yam

ana,me n laila

home sweet home

laila,serra,iza n ana

no motif

tido ke ana??

survivor cook

sarah d nk tnjuk belalang


should i say worst camping?but sounds rude la plak tp serius klo korng pegi cne myb korng xcaye cmne kem ne bole organize xtvt camping ne coz klu tgok fasi2 cm budak after spm je,bilik nk tdo pon sngt sadis,tmpat mndi,surau dewan sume nmpk mcm lame sngt,fes time smpi mmg sngt down nk join xtvt..nyway kne buat jgk n the xtvt are flying fox,repelling n obstacles.grup ktorng bt obstacles dlu n kt cne serius sume kotor gle2 sbb 2nd halangan pon da kne merangkak dlm lecah n siap dpt rawatan spa lumpur lg,mmg TERBAEK!!.2nd is fliying fox(fes time)mmg best tp mcm sekejap je da smpi.tok repelling cancel sbb ade yg patah kaki n terseliuh so sume xtvt lasak the most thing yg aq suke part forum ngn dr.azah,she such a beauty wif brain!!nk sngt jd cm dy,the most important things are ATTITUDE,KNOWLEDGE N SKILLS,ill be remember her advise to guide me to an excellent student.salah aq jgk xpush sngt diri ne tok stdy btol2.she also ckp kne betulkn niat tok menjd doktor ne,blajr da la susah keje nnt pon lg susah.kne kuat semngt!!klo rase cm xbole go on better leave now,n kisah Rasullullah SAW di taif is her inspiration,nabi nk brdakwah kne baling batu ngn orng kafir tp kte ne xde sape nk baleng btu kt kte tyme stdy so kte kne lebih kuat semngt,hardwork! she really inspire me!!thankz k.azah!


finally exam final tok fes yer suda abes!!so berakhirlah1/5 from my journey to be a suke exam medic coz its only tokk 3 days to end BUT the 2 weeks for study weeks like ARGHHHH!!!mcm nk pecah kpale +muntah darah ok!!6 module kot!!n exam days pon start-monday:SAQ N PBQ(due2 cm ok kot tp ade yg lupe bace n silap terms).tuesday:HOLIDAY(at least got time to prepare for OSPE).wednesday:OSPE(dis time xtau la knpe nerves sngt n station patho are the worst).thursday:MCQ n EMJ(mcq ok la bnyk tnye common things n emj spot memng sebijik same ngn exam TERBAEK  la!)..n the end for my ES in fes many things to be repair this holiday.xnk bnde same brulang tok 2nd yer,xmo maen2 da,kne stdy hard,bt stdy grup, ne la plan to be done in this 3 months holidays.yg laen sume nk cri keje tp for me i want to improve myself in stdy n sbg anak dara(nk bljr menjahit,baking,cooking).BUT b4 pulang ke rumah fak ade bt xtvt sbb cuti 4 bln sngt lame n kn isi ngn sumting yg beneficial ade camp n lil pic when hang out after exam.
1.makan2 at restoran arabic food at sek 7(after abes ES)

zati n dila

k.sarah n zati

hot debate wif khair

muke kenyang.hehe
2.makan2 at fullhouse sunway pyramid
dila n me

ain,zati n zaf

me wif my food


balek kolej naek kete ne bole x??

me n giant-yummy cakes

Friday, May 6, 2011


dlm mggu exam ne jgn lupa jage mnk minum coz bn de ne jgk mnyumbang kps kewarasan akal aq tgok ade bncuh milo je tok lunch!!!!kamon la mkn la weyh!!even DC tu jaoh pstu nk g tyme panas terik lg mmg perit tp dsbbkn perut yg sudah berkeroncong mnyanyikn lagu2 asli tros aq gagahkn menapak ke dc tu.pstu klo da dtg tyme pkol 12 tu mmg ko nmpak dc tu mcm tmpat pengagihan makanan tyme banjir je!berebot weyh!!kamon la korng stdnt u kn???haishh..lauk pon da xde variasi sume rase same je.(dari asasi aq mkn kt cne)i miss my mom's cook!!!(homsik plak).
brekfes menu-->>konflek+milo+susu

dinner-->>biskot kering+milo+susu

Thursday, May 5, 2011

final exam for my first year in medic skool!!!(baru setaon xpyhlah hepi sngt)

setelah lame in hiatus mode tp sbnrnye bukk je blog tp xtau nk tlis ape ashik usha blog orng laen je.heheh.actlly skrng ne tgh exam mode for uitm mdic stdnt,by this time aq tlis ne senior 2nd yer sudah mencmpak buku n notes or myb da ade yg rempit g jj ke or tgok muvie ke coz dyorng da abes pro!!!congr8 for dat ok..n plus dak2 dental fes yer yg dok dpn blik aq ne da merdeka jeles nyer i!!!yg ktorng ne fes yer still lg nk mghbiskn 6 module dlm sem 2.kla ade yg tnye aq tu cikram da abes ke stdy???(dlm ati-nk pmampo kerr???)tp xde la gurau je tu..hehe mstla blom bace bnyk kli pon xsemestinye ingt kn??? cut it out nadia!lets go stdy!!!!(wish me luck peeps!!)

tgh terkebil-kebil tgok slide histo.posing jap.heheh

stelah lenguh tgok slide posing jap depan anatomy lab.gudlak final weyh!!!!

gudlak juge kpd teman2!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

girls outing!

happened in the pass 3 weeks i think,juz upload the pic sorry y'all.hehe..having so much fun together.thanks lots(acctly this post is only the continuation from the past post with additional pics)